Content tagged  #Hackathon
From our blog
Summer Startup: Build & Launch a mobile app in one month
It’s that time of the year when our community builds & launches the apps we always wanted to build, but didn’t have time. Let’s challenge ourselves and build something impactful in just one month
notJust Hack - Demo Day
Let's see the result of the last 3 days during the notJust Hack event. 17 Projects will pitch their ideas and compete for the prizes
notJust Hack
Are you ready for a new challenge? Join the notJust Hack from 25th to 27th November, and build that App that you always wanted to.
Meet 17 startups started during notJust Startup Challenge
I am so excited to introduce you all the 17 startups that were started in the past 7 weeks. Help them win the competition by voting for the best startup pitch.
Pitch your startup at the Demo Day [notJust Startup Challenge]
The notJust Startup Challenge is coming to an end but for some of the startups started during the previous 7 weeks, this is just the beginning. Sign up and pitch your idea at the Demo day to compete for the prizes of up to $1000.
#CodeForUkraine Hackathon
Let’s use our skills to build impactful apps to support Ukrainians in these hard times.